Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Presence is an annual international print poetry journal that publishes new poems and translations of poems, reviews of individual poetry collections, interviews with poets and essays on the life's work of significant poets.  It is a venue for publication of poetry written by authors whose work is informed by the Catholic faith.

Presence is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit journal, affiliated with the Dept. of English, Caldwell University, Caldwell, New Jersey.

We have also formed institutional partnerships with The Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, Loyola University Chicago;  the Center for Catholic Studies, Seton Hall University; and the Department of Catholic Studies, Duquesne University.

Poems are submitted using Submittable.  However, we usually solicit all prose pieces.  Queries regarding contributing book reviews, interviews and essays should be sent to the editor-in-chief, Mary Ann B. Miller, at

Our submission period runs from August 1 - October 1 each year, with the annual issue appearing in April of the following year.  

We publish poems on the basis of their artistic merit, rather than on the basis of the author’s professed creed or because the subject matter is explicitly Catholic.

The poems in this journal convey God’s presence in any number of ways—by exploring the intersection of matter and spirit, by depicting the struggle between belief and doubt, by questioning the faith, being surprised by it, taking joy in it, even finding humor in it. 

We welcome poems from an ecumenical or interfaith perspective.  We do not publish devotional/inspirational verse.

Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry